to Mikha
Tuesday, May 28th 2013.
Say hello
to my new crush! Xx Before I continue my letters, I’m so sorry for my grammar.
Maybe, it is the most random grammar ever :’) I know you’ll never read this.
But I’m writting this, as you will read. I dunno when is that•
kamu tau gak, aku agak sedih gituya nulis ini. Okay, I’m weird. Do you know why
I’m sad? Because I know, I know, I wrote a letter that will never be read by
the people is the goal of this letter. Aku baru pertama kali ngerasain
bener-bener yang namanya suka sama ‘artis’ not only like as an idol. I dont
know am I deserve to be called as ‘Djimbas’ but one thing that I’ve known, I
like you soooo much. Perhaps not only like, I could say ‘love’. I dunno this is
worth it or not. This is weird or not. This is stupid or not.
today, tonight, I'm a little sad and shed tears because I thought, I like you,
but in fact we will never meet, and even you don’t know me at all. And you have
to know this is the first time I’m little crying for a boy, but it isn’t a
problem for me.
kamu tau gak? I admire you soooo much. When the first time you’re in x-factor.
When you first call your name. Then, your age. So, when you said you were in
college. That time, I was already very fascinated. Aku terpesona banget, Mikh.
Do you think its funny or not? If this is called ‘love at the first sight?’ :-D
Hehe. Aku gila ya, kebanyakan baca novel, ftv dan nonton film romance mungkin
handsomeness, your smile, your intelligence, your voice, your attitude, the way
you treat women, your laughter, your intelligence play a musical instrument.
That's a small part that makes women out there fascinated and melted when
listen to you sing, including me—.
Aku masih
inget loh, awal kali aku kenal kamu. I still remember, you are in the x-factor
auditions on 18 January 2013. I'm also still remember you sang michael buble's
song, the title is 'lost'. I even still remember, one of the judges called Bebi
Romeo said: your singing style on the stage is like the style people look for
coins, but he said you have to keep your style because its unique. I even very
remember, you said that style to relieve nervous when you sing without a
guitar. I was very very very remember your name 'Mikha Angelo' became a worldwide
trending topic that night. That night, I also updated about you on twitter. I
still remember all of you, right? Aku gak bisa lupa, lupa tentang hal itu, Mikh♥
Jujur ya,
Mikh aku pernah loh ngerasain flat banget liat kamu nyanyi. Aku jujur, aku
gabohong. Eh terus aku pernah nyoba nyari nama kamu di soundcloud, aku
dengerin. Aku dengerinnya malem-malem loh, sebelum tidur, hujan lagi. Aku
melted melted gimana gitu HEHEHE. Aku suka malem hari, aku suka hujan, terus
aku juga suka kamu. Semenjak itu aku suka banget (lagi) sama kamu. Terus aku
juga pernah ngetweet gini, @Angelo_Mikha Mikh, mungkin kalo aku denger km
nyanyi di soundcloud aku bnr-bnr melted, Tapi....kalo liat kamu di x-factor kok
agak ngeflat itu ya, Mikh? Awkward. Eh tapi. You have proved, Mikh! :) One week
after I critism like that. I never though before, you’re rock MIKHA! :--D kamu keren
banget. You’re the coolest guys I’ve ever known! You sang a song by NOAH.
you're eliminated. Since then, I really want to see you still exist in the
world of music. I ever until pray, pray for you. I'm just afraid, afraid if you're
only there on x-factor. And then, you joined in @SonyMusicID I was soooooooooo
glad to hear that. I was very grateful. And then, there hastag # WeWantTheOvertunesAlbum
I joined. Padahal pada saat itu, aku belum hafal nama personil The Overtunes
selain kamu. But, I still joined. Yes,
although not much, I'm afraid of spamming.
Mikh. Not long after that, you performed at the result show x-factor. I’m so
happy can see you again on x-factor! Your first perfomance with Kak Anggun and
other boys. The second perfomance you sang ‘Good Time’ with Kak Fatin. Aku
senyum-senyum sendiri liat kamu nyanyi bareng Kak Fatin. Aku gapaham aku seneng
karna faktor apa? Either aku seneng karena kalian berdua sama-sama idola aku di
x-factor nyanyi bareng or aku seneng karena aku berkhayal yang nyanyi di
sebelah kamu itu aku.
masih inget gak? You've defended fatin? As I remember, one of the people who
doesn’t like Fatin said that Fatin has a low memory. Right? Then, you replied,
you also ever forget the lyrics in the XFI. The haters replied again. Finally
you said, "Everybody make-mistake." In that time, I think. Wah
kamu wise banget ya. Kamu ngebelain Fatin dengan kata-kata,“Everybody make
mistake.” Itu salah satu respon yang cerdas menurut aku. You treat woman so
well :--) Aku suka cowok yang kaya gitu, kaya kamu.
Then, I
open one of the ‘Djimbas’ account. She said when down to the stage, you're
holding Fatin’s hand. Again and again, I'm really happy. I think positive. You
treat a girl well. Although I do not know the incident really happened or not.
Aku seneng idola aku akrab, not like haters yang berkeliaran selama ini.
I was excited to see you at HitamPutih with Fatin! :D and Novita. I find it
funny to see Fatin was shy. Fatin is a cute, nice, funny, friendly girl. I imagine
if you were sitting next to me: $ I'm sure I would be embarrassed as well as Fatin.
Aku gaada maksud buat nyebarin gosip atau apapun kok, tenang aja. Gabakal. I
feel confused. when I saw you with Fatin I dont feel jealous. but when I saw
you reply to tweets Djimbas actually I'm a little jealous. Weird! Aku juga
bukan tipe fans yang ngelarang kamu berhubungan dengan seseorang kok! Dan bukan
juga type fans yang ngebully setiap orang yang deket sama kamu. Stay calm ya
Mikha, do
you know? Almost every night I imagine about you =D In my imagination you’re my boyfriend HEHE. Someday, I wish I
can meet you, know you more and be your ‘friend’ or ‘close friend’. Sometimes I
called you, ‘my imaginary love’
Mikh. Ada sepupu kamu ya usernamenya @luikaaa aku pernah ada sedikit
‘conflict’. At first, aku mikir dia kok terlalu urusin kamu banget ya? Over
respon ngelaiat kamu digosipin. Toh, emang sebenernya banyak seleb yang
digosipin pacaran juga diem. Kamunya aja cuek digosipin gitu J but finally, aku ngerti kok sikapnya dia. Pas
baca tweetsnya Kak Mada aku tambah ngerti, kamu masih 15 tahun. Pantes aja
keluarga kamu masih ngeprotect kamu gitu. I understand. I’m so sorry to @luikaaa
for this missunderstood.
I’m glad
to see your smile. I’m still 15 years old, you too. I was born on 1998. I wanna
know, what will you wanna be someday? I wanna see you be successfull man. We will
be success together ya? Amen 0:-).
you’re boy that I dream. I like nice guy, you’re kindly, has sense of humor,
intelligent, can play a musical instrument, can sing, handsome, good attitude.
and all that is in yourself. At my school, no one is perfect like you. But,
unfortunately yes we are different religions: ')
Mikha, I'm
writing this from my deepst heart. Without modified. I don’t care to read by
anyone. Purpose that I write this is only you, Mikha Angelo♥
for long time I dont feel how feel to fall in love with a guy. And I could felt
it now! Because of you. I’m really happy can feel this. Thanks, Mikh! I felt
sorry for my madness :p
A fan who is still confused, am I worth it or
not to be called as 'Djimbas'