Jumat, 03 Mei 2013

The Shy Girl

Posted by Salsabila Tantri Ayu at 06.39

Haloooo, akhirnya seminggu telah berlalu. Ini udah menjelang hari ke-7 liburan dan kali ini gue pengen membuat suatu ‘tulisan’ ceritanya kayak ngikutin Taylor Swift gitu, dia-kan jago buat lagu. Dan lirik lagunya pun relatable banget sama kehidupan remaja masa kini. Nah, karna gue sering googling lirik lagunya Tay, gue sebagai fans terinspirasi buat bikin lagu yang nge-describe perasaan gue saat itu. Berhubung gue gak bisa buat lagu, oleh karena itu gue bikin kaya sebuah tulisan, tapi gak pantes disebut puisi juga gak pantes disebut lagu. Di memo handphone tertera tanggal penulisan yaitu 20 April 2013, dua hari sebelum UN hahaha. Dan baru ada waktu menyalin ke notebook sekarang hehe :D. Here are guys!
A shy girl
Sitting in the back corner
Alone, without friends
Opening the book, then closed it again
Do not know what to do
Want to feel cool by itself
But she could not

But he,
He was there, with famous people in the class
Surrounded the popular girl
Looks so close
So united
Do not know what they're talking about
Until they’re position so close like that

Yes yes yes the girl's understood
Bent, hold all the feelings

They have the same pleasure
It was, yes it was they reason
Until so close
His hands wrapped around behind the popular girl
His other hand holding a mobile phone
Which is also held by the popular girl
The shy girl understood
The girl was still silent in place
Looked at their closeness
Seeing them interact with each other
Seeing them laugh
Teasing each other

The girl asked, how to be popular?
Yeah, how?
How she could be close to the man whom she admired so much?
She asked, whether worthy
a shy girl, innocent,  stupid,  like people like him?

The girl got up from her place.
But did not know what to do
Closer to the man
Another popular girl surprised
Their eyes
Popular boy and the shy girl
She also did not know what she was doing at that time.
Until recently, she was still confused

Tungguin postingan gue selanjutnya ya, makasih banyak banget yang udah mau baca hehe!:)


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